In memoriam of Rita Zarwel - member of the Stuttgart German-American Wandering Club for over thirty years.
Our club member and friend Rita Zarwel has passed on from this life's trails to eternal trails.
We will fondly remember Rita for her wit, her charm and her dedication to the SGAWC and to the sport of volksmarching.
Regardless, if one was from Germany or America, she had a special talent to encourage and promote the sport of volksmarching and the camaraderie therein.
She was warmly recognized and known by all of the volksmarch clubs throughout the Baden-Württemberg area and was observed helping other clubs at the selling of start-cards or assisting in other ways, while often seen wearing her trademark SGAWC sweater to symbolize her SGAWC affiliation.
The SGAWC will dedicate this year's annual volksmarch to the memory of Rita, which she would humbly accept as a token of affection and appreciation that we hold her in our hearts and memories.
Several years ago, Rita received the coveted club award - a Tischflagge - for her long term membership and voluntary support through advertising the sport, receiving other Volksmarch Clubs' participation registrations, and helping all newcomers to the sport in her special manner.
Also, helping at every annual club march, while obviously having fun and promoting friendship.
What a gal!!!
Rita, for the SGAWC, was a beautiful lady in so many ways.
We will forever cherish the friendship that we shared.
Prepared by Bob Gambert
Past Club President (1996-2002)
Endorsed by Ann Kathy Reed
President 2009
My sincere condolences to all who knew Rita; a very special lady.